Fix Me Now TNR
Fix Me Now is for community cats that have an immediate need to be spayed/neutered in between our mass spay neuter clinics.
How It Works:
If you have a community cat or cats that need to be fixed as soon as possible please fill out the TNR request form and a TNR lead volunteer will contact you.
The volunteer will determine which program is appropriate based on the cat's welfare and current situation.
If the cat cannot wait for the next scheduled mass Fix Me TNR Clinic (due to sickness or injury for example) or there is no scheduled clinic that month, an appointment at a local participating veterinary hospital will be scheduled. Participating veterinary hospitals will accept Coalition-authorized appointments for community cats on a weekly basis.
The volunteer will work with you to determine:
Whether you will be doing the trapping by yourself or need help from a Coalition volunteer humane trapper
If you need to borrow a trap (refundable deposit & photo ID required)
Transportation to and from the clinic and recovery instructions
Fees for TNR services
Through grants and donations from our community, we are able to subsidize the cost of the community cat care package. These funds are not always available and we ask that you give what you can to help cover the cost for your community cat so that we may help all cats that need our assistance. Please support our partner veterinarians that make this program possible!
Thank you to these vets for giving back to their community and saving the lives of cats and kittens!